
Basics Of Soccer Explained at Euro Soccer Camp In New York

  Soccer, or association football as it's properly called everywhere but the United States, is one of the most popular sports in the world for a good reason: it's very easy to learn and play. There are two teams, two goals, and one round ball.   The first thing that kids learn when figuring out how to play soccer is that you can't touch the ball with your hands. The great thing is you can use your feet, knees, chest, or head to control the ball. The only player on the soccer team allowed to touch the ball is the person who guards the goal, or the goalkeeper, but they can only use their hands inside the penalty box. The point of the game is to pass the ball down the field and get the ball past the goalkeeper into the goal without using your hands. Each goal is worth one point, no matter how or where it is scored from.   To be proficient at soccer, there are several skills you need to become good at to play the game well at RI Soccer Camp . These are detailed below: